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Why Travel?

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Just like the Black Pearl, to travel is freedom. Travel requires planning, maybe some tickets, and certainly a little bit of money. A great adventure may even require perseverance, getting kicked out of your comfort zone, and knowing that anything can happen, but that isn't what travel is. What travel really is, is freedom. 

It is the freedom to explore and allow anything and everything happen. You are free to be yourself; free to experience every emotion; free to taste new things, smell new smells, walk new paths, meet new people, and enjoy anything and everything you have been too afraid to try or do before. You are free to just be...or be anything you want. 

We don't travel to stay the same; we would stay home for that. We travel to escape life (or let life not escape us...), routine, obligations, and sometimes even to escape ourselves. We travel to create the space for change (even if it is just a change of scenery) and growth. 

*A note on ships: If you ever have the opportunity, take the time to travel by ship. When you spend days crossing the ocean, you get a new appreciation for just how large and beautiful the world really is, and just how small you are. It has a beautiful way of shifting your perspective on your life; I recommend you make the opportunity.

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