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Fulfilling Dreams -- Traveling

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You can tell a traveler long before they tell you they are. Something about the look in their eye, the twitch in their feet, and the way they hold their hands.

Eyes that have seen more. More love from strangers. More pain from starving children. And yet, that twinkle shows they long to see even more. More indescribable sunsets. More nights spent laughing so hard those same eyes cried. More lands free from the marring of man. 

And the feet of a traveler...have you ever noticed how they can't sit still? Their feet long to be finding new paths and trails or following in the footsteps of people and travelers before them. Their feet may not be pretty, but they are strong. They have climbed mountains and been blistered by sun-drenched marble. And they have been cleaned so gently by tiny fish. They have gripped hard to the deck of ships as they tossed about and were used as paddles to explore that mighty ocean.

The hands of a traveler are something too. Not unkept; but not entirely pretty either. They know the practicality of maintaining appearances, but aren't picky about the glamour. Have you seen those hands? Hands that have wiped away the tears from sick children, grasped the gold on far away temples, and drawn pictures in the dirt to communicate. Hands that have offered their last drop of water to those who needed it; hands that have painted elephants and held snakes; hands that have felt oily waters and the sting of jellyfish. 

Maybe you know someone like this already...maybe you could never put your finger on why, but they always made you feel a little more comfortable. That, my friend, is a traveler.